
I painted the eagle (?) iconography in yellow, windows in blue and some parts in metal. Finished for the washing step.


Finally I am trying to finish these ships. Over a dark green base coat which I forgot to note down the exact colou, I applied several layers of highlights by mixing in more and more of 70.857 Golden Olive.


Finally I am trying to finish these ships. Over the 70.985 Hull Red I left off from, I spraxyed

  • 72.712 Vallejo Game Air Scarlett Red
  • 72.772 Vallejo Game Air Terracotta

This was topped with a drybrush of 70.957 Flat Red.

Hydran Progress¶

Finally I am trying to finish these ships. When looking at them I was not happy with the blue, not enough contrast, so I resprayed them in:

  • 72.720 Vallejo Game Air Imperial Blue
  • 72.722 Vallejo Game Air Ultramarine Blue
  • 72.723 Vallejo Game Air Electric Blue

I then painted some parts in metal colour (weapons and drives), and everything I considered to be glass in first white, then yellow. A darker spot of orange was then highlighted with a dot of white.


I airbushed a basecoated with 74.602 Black Surface Primer.


I airbushed a basecoated with 74.602 Black Surface Primer. This was then airbrushed with 70.985 Hull Redfrom a steeper angle to leave the black as a first shadow.

When I tried to apply the next colour, the airbrush behaved very strange, making strange noises and blowing colour out the top of the reservoir... I discovered this as the reason:


I ordered a new nozzle already...

Hydran Progress¶

I airbushed a basecoated with 74.602 Black Surface Primer. This was then airbrushed with 70.899 Prussian Dark Blue, then a mix of Dark Blue and 70.925 Intense Blue and finally pure Intense Blue. Each lighter shade was applied from a steeper angle and on smaller areas.

Terran Republic¶

The ships are done, varnished and ready for play.

Terran Conglomerate¶

The ships are done, varnished and ready for play.

Terran Alliance¶

The ships are done, varnished and ready for play.