[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

The command models are being painted, here the current status.

During the last two weekends, I was also working on my Terminator models, here the current status:

They are ready to be glued together, I only need to do some sculpting work on the right arms, where I cut off the original weapons.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

Last squad done. Now only the command models, medic and psyker are missing.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

With the last squad nearly done, and only the command models left for painting, I started to work on the last models of these alternative Space Marines. Don't ask my why, but when I prepared the other miniatures, I did not prepare the Terminators - time to change that.

The models are again from Alternative Armies, Desteria models:

I have two arm variants. One of the right arm shown below I will use as a heavy flamer. All the other weapons will be replaced, see below.

The hammer will again be given to the squad leader, as with the other models. All weapons, except one heavy flamer (see above), will be replaced by the miniguns shown below. All these weapons are from http://maxmini.eu/.

The models were delivered with the round lipped bases, which I will replace with the old style ones.

I also tried to fit the models to a 25mm base, as the Terminators in Rogue Trader were, but they are way to large.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

The second to last squad is done. Only one more and the commanders to go.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

Another squad done. As with the other squad, all the exposed flesh areas will be painted in one go across all the fire teams.

Mars Attacks - The Miniatures Game¶

This weekend, the Mars Attacks Kickstarter stuff arrived, a massive parcel:

Please, someone, create a Kickstarter which rewards painting time....

Militia Miniatures - 28mm Modern Mercenaries!¶

The miniatures from the Kickstarter arrived this weekend, here is the booty.

Now, what I would really need is a Kickstarter that brings me more time for painting...

2000AD: Rogue Trooper Miniatures Game¶

I took part in the "2000AD: Rogue Trooper Miniatures Game" back in 2013, even before I started this block. In the last weeks, the miniatures started to arrive.

Three Nort Squads

Rogue Troopers

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

After only three month, the next fire team is done.

At this rate it will only take me another year for the whole force...

Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest by Mantic Games¶

I resisted very long... honestly... but the bargain you make with Mantic Kickstarters was just too great in the end... After pledging quite late, I had unforseen problems with Amazon payments. Suddenly, the payment failed, where it was fine all the time before.

I now solved the problem by deleting my credit card with them, then entered the exact same data as a new card again... at least I am not aware of any differences. Then payment was no problem.

However, now it is official, I backed another project:

Dungeon Saga on Kickstarter