[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

Today I put the last touches to the command models:

The lieutenants have personal heraldy on their right shoulder pads, and on the upper leg/shoes. Both models had two stripes sculpted on the left arm, which I also painted in yellow like the rank badges on the Sergeants. Both officers have a plume on their helmet which I painted in a darker blue than the other blue parts on all the models.

The Captain has quite some parts painted in gold to distinguish him even more than his helmet already does.

The apothecary has a white right shoulder pad and helmet, both showing the Helix badge in blue. Otherwise, the apothecary is painted like a common Marine.

The Librarian is mostly clad in a dark blue robe. The Lexicanum badge is painted on his forehead, he also has a gold decoration on the helmet.

Next steps are painting the rocks on all the bases.

[15mm IABSM]¶
North of Caen¶

With the Wehrmacht done, I started to work on the British troops. First, I painted the boots on all miniatures black. Next, I highlighted the uniforms with 'British Uniform'. This is the same colour I airbrushed over the black basecoat, but brushed on it is much more intensive. On the below picture, the left model is the highlighted one, the right a model with only the brown airbrushed on.

The following is my test model, with all the different colours painted, but no highlights yet except for the uniform as described above. I am happy with the colour selection, and will proceed like this with all the models.

[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourg¶

As the last things left to be painted were mortar ammo crates and shells.

I was not able to find any dedicated mortar shells for the Wehrmacht mortars, so I settled for the pack '14. Medium mortars+ ammo boxes' from Peter Pig's AK47/Weapons range. When I ordered them I asked for packs consisting only of the ammo crates but no mortars. Friendly as they are, Peter Pig complied :-)

[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourgh¶

Finally, the miniatures are all done, all washes and highglights applied. All the new miniatures I prepared for painting (see previous posts) got me motivated again to finish this rather long journey.

Here are some close ups (mobile quality close ups only...):

Here are the squads in formation. I do not know what I was thinking when planning the force, but I ended up with one squad more than I would need... The group of models above the ones in black bases (spare command models) are the additional machine gunners which allow me to equip each squad with two MG42, thus making them Grenadiers.

All the models I painted glued to wood strips (support weapons and the Big Men), have been cut from the wood strips and glued on their washers. Then I applied a mix of my base brown and floor screed, a kind of self-leveling plaster of paris. On top of that I sprinkled sand.

Unfortunately I ran out of the brown colour...

Next up is drybrushing the bases, painting some individual sand grains as rocks and adding static grass. But first I need a resupply of the brown.


While working on the Alternative Armies Terminators, the de-flashing and gluing bug bit me and I started to work on several other miniatures from my lead pile.

Among the models were several characters from Hasslefree. I based all on washers, then added floor screed, a kind of self-leveling plaster of paris. This will be painted as concrete/tar.

There is one duplicate model, the one with the FN SMG. One will be added to my group of private military contractors I painted a while ago; this model got sand on his base. His twin will become a police officer.

Ready for spray coating.

[Weird War II]¶
German Mad Doctor and his Zombie creations¶

While working on the Alternative Armies Terminators, the de-flashing and gluing bug bit me and I started to work on several other miniatures from my lead pile.

Among the miniatures waiting to be worked on were

I assembled them, glued them to washers, applied plaster of paris to hide the integral bases, and added sand. While assembling the plastic zombies, I added some weaponry from Bolt Action to some of the miniatures, rifles they had still slung over their shoulder, or weapons held in spasmed hands, dragged behind the unliving.

Ready for basecoating.


While working on the Alternative Armies Terminators, the de-flashing and gluing bug bit me and I started to work on several other miniatures from my lead pile.

On of the group of models waiting for a treatment are the modern mercenaries from the Militia Miniatures Kickstarter. I based them on washers, used plaster of paris to hide the elevation of the integral base and glued sand to the base.

Ready for priming.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

The command models are being painted, here the current status.

During the last two weekends, I was also working on my Terminator models, here the current status:

They are ready to be glued together, I only need to do some sculpting work on the right arms, where I cut off the original weapons.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

Last squad done. Now only the command models, medic and psyker are missing.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

With the last squad nearly done, and only the command models left for painting, I started to work on the last models of these alternative Space Marines. Don't ask my why, but when I prepared the other miniatures, I did not prepare the Terminators - time to change that.

The models are again from Alternative Armies, Desteria models:

I have two arm variants. One of the right arm shown below I will use as a heavy flamer. All the other weapons will be replaced, see below.

The hammer will again be given to the squad leader, as with the other models. All weapons, except one heavy flamer (see above), will be replaced by the miniguns shown below. All these weapons are from http://maxmini.eu/.

The models were delivered with the round lipped bases, which I will replace with the old style ones.

I also tried to fit the models to a 25mm base, as the Terminators in Rogue Trader were, but they are way to large.