Francworle Galaxy¶

Finished the two Guards. Next are the decals for all models with the number on their back plate.

Francworle Galaxy¶

I added the numerical decals using

Here is the result

I am pondering whether to add a team logo to the models, but I am not sure about it yet. My current idea is to create a template from masking tape and apply the logo using my airbrush. As I never did something like this before lets see...

Colour Bottle Storage System Extension¶

Having added to my collection of colours in the last few months (one of the reasons is my Christmas present, an airbrush), my storage system did not provide enough space any more. This afternoon I added a fourth box.

I am using the boxes paper packages are delivered in, cut down to 8cm height. Inside, I created a system of compartments, where I put the bottles upside down (to be able to see the colour).

Here are my colours (except those I am currently using in projects):


Today I gave OSL (object source lightning) my first try. I airbrushed four tones of consecutive lighter shades of metallic tones onto the balls, using a steeper angle of the airbrush the lighter the colour got.

I think it is not to bad for a first try, but anyone who is able to produce OSL effects will probably laugh...

After the airbrushing, I painted the crevices black, then a thin line of white into the middle. Finally, I used a yellow green, a blue and a purple wash to imitate glowing. Unfortunately, on the photos the washes are not very visible... Using your eyes the effect is much more visible.

Tooth Crushers¶

I started to paint the Orx team. Here they are primed:

And here is the colour scheme test model:

Now only 9 more models :)

Empress Miniatures¶

Well, I have not made any progress with my Dreadball Orx, but that of course does not stop me from looking for new projects - which will probably just add to the pile of unpainted lead, but I guess you know what I am talking about...

Thanks to the announcement on theminiaturespage.com, I could not resist 20 US Marines with boonie hats in contemporary equipment... Empress Miniatures 'Devil Dogs And Dragons' 28mm Figures .

As the project collected 5,000£ of the needed 7,500£ within 1.5 days, I think it will get certainly funded and I hope for a lot of stretch goals... which are automatically covered by my pledge level :-)

Kickstarter Project Page

Maki Games¶

I was tempted by this the first time I saw it... and resisted... now, two hours before the end of the KS campaign, I succumbed to my wargaming desires...

At least this will not add to my pile of unpainted lead ... ;-)

Maki Games: High Quality Modular Wargaming Terrain

Tooth Crushers¶

Finally I managed to find some more painting time, and finished two Goblins.

Tooth Crushers¶

Today I managed to paint two more Goblins - I hope I can keep up that momentum...

Tooth Crushers¶

I finished the last two Goblins.

Now only three Moore Orx.