
Over the white base coat I applied a wash (thinned brown ink and yellow ink), then drybrushed bone color and finally drybrushed white.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

I basecoated the models in black though my airbrush. Unfortunately this cost me two arms, which I need to pin back in place again.

Core Game¶

After removing the flash from the miniatures (which was a bit tedious with some of the very well sculpted alien tails), I primed all the miniatures today in black Vallejo primer through my airbrush.


I basecoated the base and the Mech in black through my airbrush, then gave a very heavy zenithal coat of airbrushed white before gluing the Mech to the base.


I basecoated the base and the Mech in black through my airbrush, then gave a very heavy zenithal coat of airbrushed white before gluing the Mech to the base.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Genestealer Cult¶

I finished building all the Cult models I own, including the bases. I used plastic off-cuts for some kind of beams or something, moulded plastic card steel floors, and filled the gaps with filler. The filler is of the self-levelling sort used for floors; I tried to mix it a bit grainy to get a level surface, but with a texture.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Genestealer Cult¶

I started on building the Genestealer Cult, that I had lying around for some time now. I mounted them on 25mm round steel bases from Product for Wargamers.

Some of the arms I left off for easier painting.

[Song of Fork and Heroes]¶
Agyptian Watchtower¶

I added Woodland Scenics flocking, then gave he board a coat of mat varnish. Brushstrokes still visible... :-(

The edges, that were bent around the board edge, I painted in a dark brown mixed with PVA to a nice clean border around the playing area. I then cut the mat following the lower board edge with a blade.

The mat worked out well except for the visible brush strokes, and the edges. Remember how I described in the first post that I stretched the fabric around the board? That lead to the threads getting misaligned, which now makes the edges not lying flat on the table anymore. But the raised edges do not prevent the mat from being used.

The mat in action:

[Song of Fork and Heroes]¶
Agyptian Gaming Mat¶

Before starting to drybrush, I told myself to pay attention to not create brush strokes. I started drybrushing - and created brushstrokes, again... :-(

Post Apoc Survivalists¶

Today I painted the bases in the usual style used for the Shadowrun miniatures.