[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Squat Brotherhood Sappers¶

I finished most areas, left to do are the beards, the glasses and the unit markings. I am still unsure, whether ir not I will try to follow

[...] it is common for seams and piping to be picked out in a contrasting colour.

- White Dwarf Compendium 1989, p. 172

Here is the list of colours used.

  • Helmet and shoulder pads:
    1. Vallejo 70.884 Stone Grey
    2. Secret Weapon Washes 004 Concrete
    3. Vallejo 70.884 Stone Grey
    4. Vallejo 70.884 Stone Grey + Vallejo 70.951 White
  • Webbing:
    1. Vallejo 70.988 Khaki
    2. Secret Weapon Washes 022 Green Black
    3. Vallejo 70.988 Khaki
    4. Vallejo 70,988 Khaki + Vallejo 70.951 White
  • Weapons and Canteens:
    1. Vallejo 71.073 Gun Metal Metalizer
    2. Secret Weapon Washes 003 Armour Wash
    3. Vallejo 71.073 Gun Metal Metalizer
  • Back packs:
    1. Vallejo 70.890 Retractive Green
    2. Secret Weapon Washes 022 Green Black
    3. Fur like areas
      1. Secret Weapon Washes 022
      2. Green Black + Vallejo 70.951 White
    4. flat seams (?) Vallejo 70.890 Retractive Green
  • Red decorations:
    1. Vallejo 70.946 Dark Red
    2. Vallejo 72.091 Sepia
    3. Vallejo 70.946 Dark Red
    4. Vallejo 70,946 Dark Red + Vallejo 70.947 Red
  • Glasses:
    1. Vallejo 70.807 Oxford Blue
  • Boots:
    1. Vallejo 70.950 Black

I now gave the models a coat of gloss varnish to protect the work done so far. The gloss coat will allow me to remove paint with alcohol without damaging the underlying colour, this might be helpful with the free hand shoulder pad designs I plan to do.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Squat Brotherhood Sappers¶

With the flu slowly recedeeding, I managed to put in some painting time between suffering (thats the term my wife uses). I first consulted the original texts introducing the Squats in the Warhammer 40,000 universe concerning colour choice:

Squats prefer muted colours reminiscent of the rocks and sands of their Home Worlds: browns, greys and green are popular in varying shades and mixtures, as are black, white and deep red - it is common for seams and piping to be picked out in a contrasting colour.

- White Dwarf Compendium 1989, p. 172

With the models I have only consisting of helmet, beard and coat, the coat colour would be the main colour seen when looking at the models. I decided for Vallejo 70.984 Flat Brown.

While painting the coats, I noticed that there is hardly space between the coat bottom and the base itself, therefore the next step was to paint the base, to not later ruin the coat painting it. I followed my usual basestyle, basecoating in RAL 8015 chestnut brown

highlighted with 2:9 RAL 8001 ochre brown : RAL 8011 nut brown, and finally drybrushed RAL 8001 ochre brown.

I then picked out individual sand corns and larger stones in two grey tones (those vary every time I paint a new batch of bases)

and drybrushed the grey stones in Vallejo 70.884 Stone Grey as always.

I then painted in the other colours:

  • Helmet and shoulder pads: 70.884 Stone Grey
  • Webbing: 70.988 Khaki
  • Weapons and Canteens: Vallejo 71.073 Gun Metal Metalizer
  • Back packs: 70.890 Retractive Green
  • Red decorations: 70.946 Dark Red
  • Glasses: 70.807 Oxford Blue
  • Boots: 70.950 Black

The current status of the models:

This squad is a sapper squad, trained by the Guild (allowing me to use their hammer symbol) on placing charges and blowing things up (as shown by the stylised explosing upon the front of their helmets). The backpacks contain mainly exlosives and detonators. Due to their special training they also have access to more unusual weapons in the form of bolt guns, as

Brotherhood troops are generally armed with lasguns[...]

- White Dwarf Compendium 1989, p. 172

he Guild symbol and a squad number I will try to paint freehand on the shoulder pads. Good luck to me with that...

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Squat Brotherhood Sappers¶

Another few models that were sitting around for quite some time (actually as long as the Alternative Army Marines) are some Squat sappers. For the younger ones among us, Squats were Dwarves in Space (as they were actually initially called) during the Roque Trader era which were unfortunately dropped by GW.

I used models from Olleys Armies for the models. What I do not like about them are the weapons, especially the diversity they come equipped with. I want the squad to be armed with the same weapons plus a support weapon. I was looking for replacements that looked like a bolt gun, and settled for Hasslefree's V.E.R.A.. I chopped away the old wepons, glued the bolt guns in place and then did some minor sculpting where neccessary. The shotgun/grenade launcher I left in place, but replaced the barrel by a plastic rod and added a foregrip.

After all the time they were sitting around collecting dust, I washed the miniatures in warm soapy water to get rid of the dust and any manufacturing residues. When they were dry, I basecoated them with my airbrush and Vallejo surface primer black 28.012.


I washed the miniatures in warm soapy water to get rid of manufacturing residues. Unfortunately, this loosened some of the floor screed... Should have applied a protective coat of PVA glue over it.

When they were dry, I basecoated them with my airbrush and Vallejo surface primer black 28.012.


While working on the Alternative Armies Terminators, the de-flashing and gluing bug bit me and I started to work on several other miniatures from my lead pile.

Among the models were several characters from Hasslefree. I based all on washers, then added floor screed, a kind of self-leveling plaster of paris. This will be painted as concrete/tar.

There is one duplicate model, the one with the FN SMG. One will be added to my group of private military contractors I painted a while ago; this model got sand on his base. His twin will become a police officer.

Ready for spray coating.

Private Military Contractors¶

The contractors are finished. I forgot to take some WIP pictures, so here is only the result.

I painted the camo in ACU, Woodland BDU, Flecktarn and DPM; mixing the schemes wildly on the miniatures.

Ready for the first contract.

Private Military Contractors¶

The models received a basecoat with Vallejo primer, then were sprayed black.

Private Military Contractors¶

I finished the bases with pebbles and sand, added new weapons where I cut the orignial ones away and filled all the holes and cracks that resulted from my head and weapon exchanges.

No changes to these two.

Here, two M4 where replaced with a G36C and a SA80

The two Hasslefree models got some texture on their backs representing the molle system. The strips need to be finer...

The left model with the radio is the model the boonie was cast from. I replaced this head with a base cap, to remove the Bundeswehr-look. The model on the right had the base cap replaced with a recast boonie.

Two more hat changes and the model on the left had rolled up sleeves added.

Only the top right model was converted, exchaning the base cap with a boonie and replacing another M4 with a SA80. The model does not fit perfectly, the eyes are to far forward, besides the option instead of behind.

Private Military Contractors¶

Just a small update, I cast the four boonies I need and glued them on.

Private Military Contractors¶

I bought these models in February, after seeing Outpost. Although I was a bit disappointed by the film (the characters don't actually do anything in the film, they just react to enemies they cannot harm), the setting was to my liking, and of course (as happens so often after watching a movie) I bought some miniatures to recreate the film (in a 'better' version) on my tabletop. Only seven months later, and I started to work on them...

I plan to have the group looking similar to the mercenaries in the movie, which were "ununiformed". Every member wore different camouflage clothing and used different weapons. My group will look like this, they will not all wear the same uniform and the same equipment. What did not make sense in my mind is the fact that the mercenaries in the movie also used different calibers. My group all use 5.56mm except the FN Scar and R870. Should make logistics much easier, as well as proof useful in combat, when one member runs dry...

These models are Private Militars Contractors from Eureka Miniatures.

These models are German Bundeswehr, also from Eureka Miniatres (left, center, right).

When purchasing them they looked good, now I need to say that I will probably not use the MP-7 armed model, as it seems to be wearing a winter jacket, and just seems too warmly clothed when compared to the rest of the models.

The last two models are from Hasslefree Miniatures, Freak and Bergil.

They are supplied with backpacks, but as they would have been the only models with them, I did not glue them on.

I scored their backs and will sculpt the backside of their protective vests.

When ordering the minis, and having my mixed equipped troops in mind, I had too many M4s. The Bundeswehr troopers and the Hasslefree minis bring some variation, but still. Therefore I also ordered:

from Hasslefree.

Some of the M4s need to go. Additionally, too many models are wearing base caps, so some of them also need to go. They will be replaced by the boonie being worn by the KSK Sniper. So I started to happily mistreat some models:

The Bundeswehr radio operator lost his head, and will receive one of the base cap heads, to make him overall look less Bundeswehr.

As mentioned above, I want to distribute some boonies among the models. I bought some time ago Instant Mold, but had no chance so far to use it; now needing to reproduce some hats it comes in handy.

Next I need to glue in the G36Cs and the SA-80s, as well as cast and glue on some boonies.