A gaming board in a weekend¶

The buildings were finished by painting the windows Extra Dark Green and the doors and hatches in German Grey.

The smaller hill I cut into two:

I also removed one arm from the river:

To finish the hills, I added static grass:

It is now 11:43 pm and the board is ready for gaming (well, except the varnish drying on the hills and buildings):

Mission accomplished :-)

One gaming board done in one weekend, and that although we played BattleTech yesterday and had visitors with us today.

A gaming board in a weekend¶

I cut the felt and placed it on the board together with the other pieces. The island in the river was cut out of a whim.

I still need to add some static grass and paint the windows, doors and hatches of the buildings.

The smaller hill is too big, it does not allow the Orks to advance on the Imperial position from behind it too much - and over it puts them in the line of fire. I think I will cut it in half, allowing more manoevering space behind it.

I am also not sure yet if I will leave the river with the island... at the moment, having to cross two arms is slowing them Orks down further... Either I will cut the left one away or I need to paint more items on the Orks red... because Woz red wunz go fasta!

A gaming board in a weekend¶

The buildings were base coated in grey, then the lower half was sprayed white in preparation of the yellow coat that followed. After the yellow was dry, I placed a 1mm tape strip around the building, and then sprayed a dark brown coat over it. This was then covered by a 2mm tape strip, placed (theoretically) centrally on the 1mm strip. Then the building was sprayed in a sand colour, and received two drybrushs.

Then it was time to remove the tape strips... drumroll...

Well, the two buildings on the left turned out as intended, with the two buildings on the left I did not place the strips correctly... :-(

The board was drybrushed in the base colour, then in sand and finally in white.

The hills were painted in anthracite grey, then drybrushed in a brown grey and finally in white. The sand areas were painted the same way as the board.

A gaming board in a weekend¶

The board received a wash of dark brown, then green in patches.

The hill the Marines need to defend is occupied by 4 buildings the Squats need to blow up. I placed them in a way, that the engineers can move from building to building by using two actions, so one whole turn. They can also chance however, making a combat move (rolling 2D4) and hope to cover the distance in one action, leaving them one action to start preparing the charges.

The hills all consist of three layers of cork floor tiles glued together. I then used pliers to break of the edges, thus creating a rough and uneven cliff face.

Finally, the hills got some areas coverd in sand as well. On the large hill, the sand forms right angles around at least one corner of each building, so that I know exactly where to place them for each game.

A gaming board in a weekend¶

I painted these models quite some time ago, but so far never used them in a game.

Now a new colleague who learnt about my hobby asked for a game during lunch break, so I thought again of these small models, which would need a smaller game board.

Only problem: I neither have a board nor any terrain...

The above models I painted according to the scenario description of Ork Hill. So it will be this scenario I have time to build terrain for this weekend... You grow with your challenges...

Here you can see my interpretation of the terrain description from the scenario:

So I need two hills, four buildings and the board. The woods will be brown felt areas with aquarium plants I already have (probably too large, but ready) and for the river/marsh I will use blue felt. So I hope the building and painting can be accomplished this weekend.

First, the board. It is 50751.2cm MDF. It got coated with PVA and sprinkled with bird cage sand. I then painted it in orange brown.

The buildings I designed on the computer, printed them and glued the prints to corrugated card board. I the cut the windows before cutting the walls. For gluing, I used Lego blocks to get nice 90° corners. There is a floor, inner walls that close the windows from the inside and serve as pillars for the roof and finally the roof. As I don't like 'unlogical' terrain, I needed an access to the roof. So I cut squares from card board, cut away the edges and glued them onto the roof as hatches. When dry, I covered the buildings in ready made wall spackle.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

After quite some time I finished the second fire team. With this group of models I made up my mind of where to put the blue/white checker pattern I planned from the start.

I updated the first fire team accordingly. I also removed the fire team marking on the helmets, which absolutely did not look good. Need to think of something else...

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Space Flush Marines¶

The first fire team is done. On the left shoulder pad the chapter symbl is missing, but this I first need to design and have printed as decals.

I painted a fire team designation on the helm, which is hard to see in the photos, and which also does not look good in real life... I have to come up with something different. In the end I can always paint it on the base, but I would like to have it on the model itself.

The rank designation of the Corporal is, according to the Roge Trader Space Marine painting guide, meant for Sergeants. I will try to give my Sergeants a double chevron - sufficient brush control provided.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

I shaded the models. Black for the metal, black/brown for the red areas, SSW yellow snow for the shoulder pads and Woodgrain for the... wait for it... wood.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

The first fire team is painted in the basic colours. The ammo pouches were painted leather brown; the tubes, elbow and knee joints etc. were painted black; the eyeslits were painted dark green; the shoulder pads yellow; the weapons in a light wood colour; the metal areas a dark metal.

Time for shading...

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

With the Orks nearly finished, I prepared their opponents, by doing all the airbrush steps on them today. The opponents are of course the classical ones, Space Marines. I choose the Knight models from Alternative Armies for them, the Chapter is named "Imperial Flush" (which will more sense when you see their iconography) - a non-codex chapter as you can see from their organisation in the pictures below.

As with the Orks, I bought these models quite some while ago, in November 2011. They are ready build (well, except one flag pole which I forgot to build) since January 2012. They are as they came, except that all the leader models were equipped with Mechanical Hammers from MaxMini.eu and I added flag poles to the leaders from plastic rod.

When painting them, I roughly followed "How to paint Blood Ravens Space Marine" by Lester Bursley as published on his YouTube channel "Awesome Paint Job". For colours I used:

After a basecoat of the surface primer, the models were sprayed black (forming the deepest shadows), then from a 90° angle with Mahagony in downward strokes, then with half Mahagony/half Carmine from about a 45° angle and finally with Carmine from the top and in selected spots (like shoe tips, extended hips, etc).

Then the models were sprayed in gloss varnish.

Now the brush work can begin.