US Army Squad and Flatbed¶

The models are done painting. I used this guide for colour choice.

The uniforms are not highlighted yet, and the different (uniform and tactical vest, tactical vest and pouches, etc.) areas are not distinct yet. This will be adressed after a gloss coat of varnish with a black oil wash.

US Army Squad and Flatbed¶

After some enamel washes and pigments, the truck is done. Afer sealing it with matte varnish, I repainted the windows with gloss varnish to give them some sheen.

US Army Squad and Flatbed¶

Thr truck is painted in base colours. The gloss varnish is now drying, then I will apply some washes and wathering effects.

US Army Squad and Flatbed¶

The GIs were basecoated black and sprayed from an above angle in the base grey, creating the first shadows.


I airbrushed the underside, the steps blow the foor and the flatbed in rust, then with some gunmetal. After sealing the areas with gloss varnish, I applied water and salt.

Over this I then airbrushed the three colour NATO camo scheme, with the respective colour set from AK Interaktive. When this was try, I rinsed the model under running water to remove the salt and exposing the rusted metal areas.

US Army Squad and Flatbed¶

In the last time I painted only fantasy/ancient miniatures, and wanted to do something different for a change. Luckily, the leadpile (or rather plastic pile in this case) offers enough, so I prepared the first miniatures of the Mars Attacks Kickstarter loot.

The emergency vehicle lighting and mounted machine gun on the truck I fitted with small magnets, to be able to use them interchangeably.

The plastic bases of the miniatures I cut away and mounted them on the washers all my modern models are based on. This gives them some weight and allows for easy magnetic storing.

The quality of the truck is superb, hardly any mold lines, the parts fitted very well - perfect.

The miniatures were substandard - very soft plastic, a lot of mold lines which were hard to remove due to the soft plastic. They are ok, but I had better ones. They also suffer from a small detail that bothers every time I see it: Show me one real life soldier, that goes to war only armed with an AT-4. Where is his rifle, or at least a side-arm?

Medieval Mayhem - 28mm Knights versus Zombies Miniatures¶

Neee-wom! The miniatures arrived :-)

I need more time for painting...

Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptangya Zoooooooom Boing Ni!

Mantic Dungeon Saga¶

The next Kickstarter I invested in arrived. Another bunch of miniatures for quite a good price - as always with the Mantic Kickstarters. I just need more painting time...


The mercenaries are done. The shotgun was glued to the side of the model, the string over the shoulder is made from a painted towel, strengthened with watered down PVA glue.

Medieval Mayhem - 28mm Knights versus Zombies Miniatures¶

I did it again ... another Kickstarter... but... knights gallopping on foot, with their heavyly ladden squires behing them... just harmless little bunnies... Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptangya Zoooooooom Boing Ni! ... fleshwounded knights ... a trojan rabbit and French castle dwellers.... and Zombies!!!!

Who could resist, honestly?!


The mercenaries are done for the most part. I now re-painted all still to be painted areas black.

The knife wielding guy looked a bit ridiculous to me, so he will be given a shotgun (from Bolt Action's WWII American Range) on a string slung over a shoulder, so he is not the only one without any firepower.