Militia Miniatures - 28mm Modern Mercenaries!¶

The miniatures from the Kickstarter arrived this weekend, here is the booty.

Now, what I would really need is a Kickstarter that brings me more time for painting...

2000AD: Rogue Trooper Miniatures Game¶

I took part in the "2000AD: Rogue Trooper Miniatures Game" back in 2013, even before I started this block. In the last weeks, the miniatures started to arrive.

Three Nort Squads

Rogue Troopers

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

After only three month, the next fire team is done.

At this rate it will only take me another year for the whole force...

Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest by Mantic Games¶

I resisted very long... honestly... but the bargain you make with Mantic Kickstarters was just too great in the end... After pledging quite late, I had unforseen problems with Amazon payments. Suddenly, the payment failed, where it was fine all the time before.

I now solved the problem by deleting my credit card with them, then entered the exact same data as a new card again... at least I am not aware of any differences. Then payment was no problem.

However, now it is official, I backed another project:

Dungeon Saga on Kickstarter

Militia Miniatures - 28mm Modern Mercenaries!¶

I succumbed to spending some more money on yet another kickstarter, a rather small one though:


[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

After quite some time I finished the second fire team. With this group of models I made up my mind of where to put the blue/white checker pattern I planned from the start.

I updated the first fire team accordingly. I also removed the fire team marking on the helmets, which absolutely did not look good. Need to think of something else...

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Space Flush Marines¶

The first fire team is done. On the left shoulder pad the chapter symbl is missing, but this I first need to design and have printed as decals.

I painted a fire team designation on the helm, which is hard to see in the photos, and which also does not look good in real life... I have to come up with something different. In the end I can always paint it on the base, but I would like to have it on the model itself.

The rank designation of the Corporal is, according to the Roge Trader Space Marine painting guide, meant for Sergeants. I will try to give my Sergeants a double chevron - sufficient brush control provided.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Orks Marauders¶

Only four weeks after I planned to, the Orks were finished today with static grass and a coat of Army Painter Anti Shine Varnish.

The final group shot:

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

I shaded the models. Black for the metal, black/brown for the red areas, SSW yellow snow for the shoulder pads and Woodgrain for the... wait for it... wood.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Imperial Flush Space Marines¶

The first fire team is painted in the basic colours. The ammo pouches were painted leather brown; the tubes, elbow and knee joints etc. were painted black; the eyeslits were painted dark green; the shoulder pads yellow; the weapons in a light wood colour; the metal areas a dark metal.

Time for shading...