Militia Miniatures - 28mm Modern Mercenaries!¶

I succumbed to spending some more money on yet another kickstarter, a rather small one though:


Empress Miniatures Kickstarter¶

This week the Empress Kickstarter package arrived. A complete platoon of Marines, three Oshkosh, mortar support and some additional models like SEALs.

If I only had enough time to paint all my purchases...

Mars Attacks - The Miniatures Game¶

I knew I would not be able to resist as soon as I saw the first announcements... Just pledged for yet another Kickstarter...

Mars Attacks - The Miniatures Game

Maki Games¶

I was tempted by this the first time I saw it... and resisted... now, two hours before the end of the KS campaign, I succumbed to my wargaming desires...

At least this will not add to my pile of unpainted lead ... ;-)

Maki Games: High Quality Modular Wargaming Terrain

Empress Miniatures¶

Well, I have not made any progress with my Dreadball Orx, but that of course does not stop me from looking for new projects - which will probably just add to the pile of unpainted lead, but I guess you know what I am talking about...

Thanks to the announcement on theminiaturespage.com, I could not resist 20 US Marines with boonie hats in contemporary equipment... Empress Miniatures 'Devil Dogs And Dragons' 28mm Figures .

As the project collected 5,000£ of the needed 7,500£ within 1.5 days, I think it will get certainly funded and I hope for a lot of stretch goals... which are automatically covered by my pledge level :-)

Kickstarter Project Page