
Over the white base coat I applied a wash (thinned brown ink and yellow ink), then drybrushed bone color and finally drybrushed white.


Over the white base coat I applied a wash (thinned brown ink and yellow ink), then drybrushed bone color and finally drybrushed white.


I basecoated the base and the Mech in black through my airbrush, then gave a very heavy zenithal coat of airbrushed white before gluing the Mech to the base.


I basecoated the base and the Mech in black through my airbrush, then gave a very heavy zenithal coat of airbrushed white before gluing the Mech to the base.


In our running Battle Tech Campaign, we managed to salvage our first Clan Mechs, I will be running a Thor from now on.

The base is from Warbases, with a magnet inserted.


In our running Battle Tech Campaign, we managed to salvage our first Clan Mechs, Björn will be running a Gladiator from now on.

The base is from Warbases, with a magnet inserted.

HOD Marauder II¶

After only four months lying around unattended, I got these two 'Mechs done in one weekend. I finished them last week Saturday just in time for the game on last Sunday. They attended in a glossy finish and without the type tag, the tag and the matt varnish afterwards I did yesterday.

HOD Marauder II¶

Model primed, ready for painting.

HOD Marauder II¶

The models bases have been sanded in three different grades of sand, and any joints covered with putty.

HOD Marauder II¶

In our ongoing BattleTech campaign, our unit bought two Marauder II for which I had no models. So, after ~10 years, these two are my first BattleTech models I paint.

For bases, I used War Bass' Hexagonal Bases (3mm/30mm), drilled a hole in the middle and glued a 5mm rare earth magnet in place for later storage.

All the joints were pinned with paper clips for added stability.