[Fury of Dracula]¶

I started to paint the models, here the current status.

[Battlestar Galactica]¶
Daybreak Expansion Miniatures¶

These models were quite quickly painted.

[Battlestar Galactica] Raptors

The Raptors were basecoated, then drybrushed. Afterwards, the cockpit and weapon/engines were painted and given a wash. Finally, the exhausts were painted in two shades of blue.

  • Hull
    • 70.880 Khaki Grey
    • 70.819 Iraqui Sand drybrush
  • Canopy
    • 70.863 Dark Seagreen
    • Baddab Black Wash
  • Engine/Weapons
    • 70.991 Dark Sea Grey
    • Baddab Black Wash
  • Engine Fire
    • 70.902 Azur
    • 70.961 Sky Blue

[Battlestar Galactica] Cylons

The cylons were even easier: based in chrome, washed in black and highlighted in chrome. Then a red dot for the eye.

  • 71.064 Chrome
  • 73.201 Black Wash
  • 71.064 Chrome
  • 70.908 Carmine Red (Eye)


Board and Miniatures¶

I started to paint the miniatures. I started by painting the suits of the EM-4 Troopers in Vallejo 70.836 London Grey. I worked on 8 models, as I only have 8 of the clamps.

The next step was to paint the body armour in the player's colour. This I painted at the same time on the EM-4 as well as the orginal Steve Jackson miniature.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Squat Stunty Scout¶

Prime night! The scout was airbrushed with Vallejo surface primer black 28.012, now he is ready to be painted.

Shotgun Joe¶

Prime night! Joe was airbrushed with Vallejo surface primer black 28.012, now he is ready to be painted.

[Fury of Dracula]¶

Prime night! I have this game since 2009, ever since I wanted to paint these models. I basecoated with the airbrush and Vallejo surface primer black 28.012, now they are ready to be painted.

Board and Miniatures¶

Prime night! I basecoated both the Steve Jackson as well as the EM-4 models by airbrushing Vallejo surface primer black 28.012, now they are ready to be painted.

In the background you can see the Hirst Art molds, the plaster drying from the latest cast.

[Battlestar Galactica]¶
Daybreak Expansion Miniatures¶

Prime night! I got the expansion a couple of weeks ago, since then the models waited to be painted. I basecoated with the airbrush and Vallejo surface primer black 28.012, now they are ready to be painted.

[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourg¶

Prime night! I primed the latest reinforcements to the US Army by airbrushing Vallejo surface primer black 28.012, now the whole force is ready to be painted.

Board and Miniatures¶

While casting the molds 1-2 times a day to build up the needed number of squares, I removed the mold lines from the EM-4 miniatures in parallel.

I will not use the backpacks supplied with the models, as these fighters are not on a campaign, but on short arena fights. This leaves them with big holes in their backs, though...

To cover these I printed the following quite simple geometric forms on slighty thicker than usual paper

and glued two stacked pieces to each back to represent the body armour.

For the planned way to base the models, the bar below the feet is not helpful, so I removed it. Insted, I inserted a paper pin in one foot of each model. They will first be used to hold the model while being painted, later cut down and used to secure the model in the base.

The paper armour was then sealed with gloss varnish, before rinsing the models in warm soapy water to remove any casting residues.