[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourgh¶

All the models got their helmets painted in 70.995 German Grey.

I then sorted out some models, painted the helmets in 74.604 Dunkelgelb and then added random shapes in green and brown (splotches, lines, etc.) to create some "Normandy Helmets". I let the grey on the underside of the helmet as some sort of blacklining and also let it shine through the dunkelgelb here and there.

I then sorted out all the models which had greenery on their helmet, and painted it in 70.967 Olive Green. This is quite a harsh green, but a more subdued tone would not be discernible, especially from the Normandy Helmets.

Finally, the officer models got painted:

Now all the models are drying, after I sprayed them with gloss varnish. This is on the one hand to protect the paint job done so far, on the other hand the varnish will help the flowing of the washes.

New Basing Sand¶

After around 10 years, my bucket of sand I used for bases and terrain was nearly empty:

As you can see, there are also left overs from various projects mixed in, like the plastic sprues you can see - these fell off terrain pieces when I shook off the excess sand. The larger pieces are glued together lumps of sand that formed over time.

Back then, I took this sand from some childrens sandpit in the neighbourhood. When out shopping this week I came across some deco sand in the 1,- EUR shop, and I thought for 5,- EUR worth of risk I will not go rogue again ;-)

I choose two different grains. I like to paint bigger grains on bases in grey as rocks, to break up the monotonous brown not only with the green sand, but with a second colour. So I choose one tube of bigger pebbles, and four bottles of fine grade sand. To help with painting, I choose the colour brown - that way, if I miss a spot it will not be so obvious.

I managed to get three bottles of the fine sand and the larger pebbles in my bucket, with one bottle of fine sand left. If my sand consumption continues unchanged, enough for another decade and only 5,- EUR :-)

Corporate Marines¶

Having seen a news item on The Miniatures Page, I thought these would fit perfectly well for the door gunners of my VTOLs. So I ordered the gatlings and machine guns from Brigade Models:

Now I need to recreate them as 3 models in OpenSCAD and play around with them on my cabin model.

Militia Miniatures - 28mm Modern Mercenaries!¶

I succumbed to spending some more money on yet another kickstarter, a rather small one though:


[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourgh¶

I painted all the skin areas on all the models.

I then painted the ammunition belts on all the models. I used 70.801 Brass and 72.059 Hammered Copper for the shells/bullets, 70.821 German Camo Beige WWII for the belts themselves.

[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourgh¶

I painted all the metal parts of the weapons on all the models.

In reality, the metal areas were mostly black, with only worn off edges showing 'real silver' metal. But painting the weapons black would have been too drab on the models. So I decided for 71.073 Gunmetal Metalizer, a very dark, blackish metal colour.

After the all the models are fully painted, I will add some washes; then the Gunmetal will receive a black wash probably.

[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourgh¶

I painted all the wooden parts, spades and grenades in 70.876 Brown Sand, rifles in 70.940 Saddle Brown.

Next step is painting the metal parts.

[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourgh¶

I painted the boots and the gaiters on all the models. For the boots I went roughly 50/50 with 70.994 Dark Grey and 70.879 Green Brown. The gaiters were also Field Grey according to the Osprey book I use as a reference, but that was not really visible on the models, so I went for 70.821 German Camo Beige.

[15mm IABSM]¶
South of Cherbourgh¶

After some while another update. It is not that I did not continue on the models, it is just the fact, that with the Wehrmacht models every piece of equipment has another color... which is time consuming.

Here you can see the finished Zeltbahnen.

For all the leather straps and pouches, I first tried a dark grey (model on the right), but this is hardly discernible this close, there is no difference to the uniform from further away. So I went with black (left model).

This is the current status of all models: bread bag, canteen, gas mask/blanket canister, Zeltbahn, grenades, spades and mess kit painted, including all the straps. The wooden part of the Stielhandgranaten and spades are still missing.

A gaming board in a weekend¶

The buildings were finished by painting the windows Extra Dark Green and the doors and hatches in German Grey.

The smaller hill I cut into two:

I also removed one arm from the river:

To finish the hills, I added static grass:

It is now 11:43 pm and the board is ready for gaming (well, except the varnish drying on the hills and buildings):

Mission accomplished :-)

One gaming board done in one weekend, and that although we played BattleTech yesterday and had visitors with us today.