More Vehicles¶

I did not manage to do much painting lately, being in some kind of lethargy concering painting. This was also not helped by the fact, that I suffer from fever and influenza or something, having me knocked out more or less since last Saturday. To get back on this subject, I designed the needed wheels for the ConServ vehicles, trying to simualte the style of Jon's wheels. Here are the results, probably still with some fever induced features...

Now I need to schedule a meeting with Michael, a friend who owns a 3d printer.

The models I did with SketchUp.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Orks Marauders¶

The 3rd mob is done. The red moon on beige field is taken from the 3rd ed Warhammer Fantasy Battles Armies cover.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Orks Marauders¶

The second mob is done.

More Vehicles¶

The MedVTOL is done except some decals - which I need to design and have custom printed; like red crosses, danger lettering for the fans, MedServ lettering, etc.

The yellow-black areas again show I am not good at all at free hand design painting... :-/

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Orks Marauders¶

The first Mob is done. I must observe that free hand painting of iconography is not my thing... I thinned the paint and did not overload the brush but my brush control is definitely lacking... :-(

Anyway, here is the result:

Empress Miniatures Kickstarter¶

This week the Empress Kickstarter package arrived. A complete platoon of Marines, three Oshkosh, mortar support and some additional models like SEALs.

If I only had enough time to paint all my purchases...

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Orks Marauders¶

The Boss is done.

I created the flags for the Nobz and the Boss on the compter and printed them.

Then, I started on the first mob. It will have the classical yellow evil half moon on a turquoise background as mob sign.

Private Military Contractors¶

The contractors are finished. I forgot to take some WIP pictures, so here is only the result.

I painted the camo in ACU, Woodland BDU, Flecktarn and DPM; mixing the schemes wildly on the miniatures.

Ready for the first contract.

More Vehicles¶

Some progress on the MedVTOL.

I painted the windows, then blacklined them. The fans were painted Aluminium and washed.

I then shaded the vehicle with SWW011 Cool Grey.

[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Orks Marauders¶

The last 15 Orks are done:

Next up is the Waaagh! Boss, before the fun part of adding the mob markings can begin.